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Issue while working with UltraGrid Calendar

Hi All,

We are automating a .net windows based desktop application using UFT14. We need to select a particular meeting/invitation from a calendar object(Ultragrid). But UFT is not able to identify individual meeting instead its only identifying the calendar object. We need to select a particular meeting based on time and date. Could someone please help me ? Thanks. 

  • 29105
    Offline posted

    Hello Saurabh, 

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics. I see you created another thread too, but lets discuss everything here. Let me start off asking which versions Infragistics your app is using in addition to the version of Test advantage you have installed. Note you need Test Advantage for Windows Forms (same version as app) to use UFT properly with our tools with windows forms controls. Also which Calendar control are you using? For more details please visit our online help:

    I also recommend recording against the samples that are included with TestAdvantage? If so what were your results?

    The samples are located in the following path under Windows XP for the most recent versions of TestAdvantage:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Infragistics\TestAdvantage for Windows Forms (HP) [version]\Samples

    Sample Location: For Windows Vista, Windows 7 and later this would be:

    C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Infragistics\TestAdvantage for Windows Forms (HP) [version]\Samples

    Testing the samples would give as an idea if there are any configuration issues or just a mismatch versioning with between your app and the version of Test Advantage installed.