I have looked at the infragistics website and I know the current tool only works on versions 11.2 and later ... Is there any way to get an older upgrade tool that can update to a version of infragistics less than the newest .. and then use the latest upgrade tool to move to the latest vesion?
that worked ... I removed the references to all xxxx.design and the upgrade worked ... Thank you
The design assemblies should never be referenced by a project.
that test worked for me ... no problems ...
I did some reading and it appears that the xxxxx.design.dll have been a problem for version upgrades for a while.
some notes say that these are not meant to be upgraded...
I tried deleting the Infragistics2.Win.UltraChart.v10.3.Design from the project to see what would happen ... but then I get an error saying the assembly cannot be found ... so that did not work
03:36:25: Running User Interface Version 21.1.20211.203:36:25: Gathering volume and assembly information.03:36:25: Could not locate registry entry Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v5.0\AssemblyFoldersEx where we look for installed products.03:36:25: Could not locate registry entry Software\Microsoft\.NETCore\v4.5\AssemblyFoldersEx where we look for installed products.03:36:31: Analyzing VSCSWin.csproj...03:36:31: The project has references that need to be updated.03:36:34: Updating VSCSWin.csproj...03:36:34: C:\Users\bsmith\Desktop\Toro All\UI\Source\VSCSWin\VSCSWin.csproj has been backed up.03:36:34: Updating Infragistics2.Shared.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Shared.v21.1. Version Updating Infragistics2.Win.AppStylistSupport.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Win.AppStylistSupport.v21.1. Version Updating Infragistics2.Win.Misc.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Win.Misc.v21.1. Version Updating Infragistics2.Win.SupportDialogs.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Win.SupportDialogs.v21.1. Version No matching assembly located in available assemblies Infragistics2.Win.UltraChart.v10.3.Design03:36:34: at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.Product.AssemblyXmlFile.ThrowExceptionWhenAssemblyCouldNotBeFound(String assemblyName, Boolean checkAdditionalMessage) at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.Product.AssemblyXmlFile.LocateNewAssembliesNodeforCurrentAssembly(String assemblyName) at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.ProjectFile.Upgrade(String rootDirectory)
Make sure that Visual Studio is closed when using the Version Utility.
I've been testing out our 21.1 Version Utility and have had no issues migrating from one version to another. The version utility even lets you change the .NET framework version, which is important, because if you want to go backwards and install 10.3 you have to choose CLR 2.0 under "Upgrade Options"I attached a CLR 2.0 sample with an UltraChart on the form. I'd like for you to extract the sample, and run the 21.1 version utility C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2021.1\Version UtilityThen I'd like you to choose Solution > Upgrade to Latest button
Let me know your results.
ok ... thanks ... I have installed the version utility and ran it ... and it ... I tried running on just the winforms project and the entire solution ... both resulted in the same error
12:58:38: Running User Interface Version 21.1.20211.212:58:38: Gathering volume and assembly information.12:58:38: Could not locate registry entry Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v5.0\AssemblyFoldersEx where we look for installed products.12:58:38: Could not locate registry entry Software\Microsoft\.NETCore\v4.5\AssemblyFoldersEx where we look for installed products.12:58:47: Analyzing VSCSWin.csproj...12:58:47: The project has references that need to be updated.12:58:51: Updating VSCSWin.csproj...12:58:51: C:\Users\bsmith\Desktop\Toro All\UI\Source\VSCSWin\VSCSWin.csproj has been backed up.12:58:51: Updating Infragistics2.Shared.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Shared.v21.1. Version Updating Infragistics2.Win.AppStylistSupport.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Win.AppStylistSupport.v21.1. Version Updating Infragistics2.Win.Misc.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Win.Misc.v21.1. Version Updating Infragistics2.Win.SupportDialogs.v10.3 Version=10.3.20103.1000 to new reference Infragistics4.Win.SupportDialogs.v21.1. Version No matching assembly located in available assemblies Infragistics2.Win.UltraChart.v10.3.Design12:58:51: at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.Product.AssemblyXmlFile.ThrowExceptionWhenAssemblyCouldNotBeFound(String assemblyName, Boolean checkAdditionalMessage) at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.Product.AssemblyXmlFile.LocateNewAssembliesNodeforCurrentAssembly(String assemblyName) at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.ProjectFile.Upgrade(String rootDirectory)