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License validity

Hi, our organization had purchased a license for infragistics pro windows forms. But now it has been expired.(it was a one year renewal). But is this license version specific?

I mean can we use the old license if we use one of the older version?

  • 2580
    Offline posted

    Hello Abhinav,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support!

    I have been looking into your question and what I can say is that the license is issued for a specific version of Infragistics Professional. When logging into your Infragistics account here, under the “Subscriptions” tab you could see the status of your subscriptions and under “Downloads” you can find the available products for your subscription.

    If you need access to a version that you do not see listed there, I recommend contacting our Sales team at They can assist you with account-related queries and provide information on the options available in order to acquire the target version, in case you are currently unable to access it.

    If you have any other questions on the matter, please, let me know.

    Best regards,
    Bozhidara Pachilova
    Associate Software Developer