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Documentation pages are 404 or 403


The API documentation links available on your site lead to forbidden or not found pages. I have experienced this only for the jquery ignite ui api documentation. I reference these pages regularly for my work and they are normally fine. I noticed this occur yesterday. If you could please restore the pages access. 

examples - 

  • 0
    Offline posted

    It seems the API documentation links for jQuery Ignite UI on my website are currently inaccessible. Could you please check and restore access to these pages? I use them frequently for my work.

  • 34730
    Offline posted

    Hello Lenos Software,

    I have been investigating into the documentation articles that you are referring to, and they appear to be working now. I believe you may have caught us when we were pushing an update to the website, and perhaps these topics were unavailable at that time, but they should be fine now.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.