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Is there a community edition or free license for personal projects?

Hello Infragistics,

I am developing a personal app (WinForms) for tracking my expenses etc. The main feature I want from Infragistics is the filter editor/builder to build complex filter queries, save them, apply to grid etc.  So essentially the two controls I absolutely require are a filter control and a grid control. Rest I can manage with simple WinForms controls.

So to pay 1000 USD every year for just two controls, for an app that wont earn me anything is too steep for me.

Here are the project details:  
- Number of devs - 1 (myself)
- Earnings from the app - 0 USD
- Controls required - 2 (a filter builder + a grid control)

Is there anything that's less harsh? :)

Also, a second question: I suppose I could use the free trial and develop the app in 30 days, but I guess after 30 days my app wont work. Am I right?

