We have been provided with a component developed by our counter part team. It has been developed using .Net 2.0 and NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1. We have to make use of this component for maintaining the product. We are planning to purchase developer license for this.
If we purchase NetAdvantage 2007 Volume 3 license, will it support or allow maintanance of component developed in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1? Or, Is it mandatory that we have to go for NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1?
I have tried after installing the trial version of NetAdvantage 2007 Volume 3, But, while opening the Form in Designer view following error message is displayed.
Hi,uncommon despite the availability of Infragistics to send you an license key for an older version, I as a developer suggest ever to use the last version of NA suite.
I use NA from version 2003.1 and I developed many apps (round 800k lines) with them, with or without shared DLL , and the passage to a new version of NA worked fine every time.I had to make only small changes, mostly only with search&replace, and all works fine every time.
They normally do a great job.
dum said: What does this mean "You can't mix versions"?
What does this mean "You can't mix versions"?
It means if your application contains assembly references to Infragistics.Shared.v5.2.dll, Infragistics.Win.v5.2.dll, etc. (as I suppose it might since you say you have a .dll using NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2005 vol. 2 in your legacy shared library) ... that you cannot mix these assemblies with Infragistics.Shared.v7.1.dll, etc.
The assemblies in each volume release are versioned, tested, and compatible together with each other. They each contain (evolved over time) the same Common Language Runtime namespaces and .NET type and class names such as "DefaultableBoolean". If you mix a 5.2 version of an assembly with a 7.1 version of the same assembly, then you would have two definitions of the type name "DefaultableBoolean" (among others) within the scope of your application and the CLR does not allow that. Similarly, if you tried using a 5.2 version of one of the foundational or lower-level assemblies like Infragistics.Shared.v5.2.dll with a 7.1 version of a control assembly like Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.v7.1.dll, the types and definitions contained in the Infragistics.Shared.v5.2.dll would not match what UltraWinGrid v7.1 expects and is compatible with. On top of that, the assembly dependency information in the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.v7.1.dll refers to the Infragistics.Shared.v7.1.dll by assembly name (as is customary in the loading of dependent assemblies by .NET) so at the assembly loading level, .NET would refuse to even load Infragistics.Shared.v5.2.dll. Instead you would get an error message saying that one or more of the dependencies of Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.v7.1.dll could not be found.
If you are using 5.2, then all of your Infragistics assemblies must be *.v5.2.dll; if you are using 7.1 then all of your Infragistics assemblies must be *.v7.1.dll. This is essentially what "no version mixing" comes down to. This above is just a technical explanation of why assembly versions cannot be mixed.
It is probably unrelated to your No license information error. As Tim already mentioned, if you contact our Sales Department they will be happy to work with you to get you a key to use for your older version.
We have developed a dll with v5.2 as a StandardLibrary wich we allready use in some projects.
Last year we buyed NetAdvantage for WinForms2007.
Know I have to use the compiled runtime version of our StandardLibrary in my new C#VisualStudio2005-NetAdvantageWinForms2007V3-Project.
But if I put the dll into my VisualStudio-Project, I get this "No licens..."-Message when I try to open a Form in DesignerView.
What can I do?
Purchase the latest version then contact sales@infragistics.com and they can provide you with an 2006 Vol. 1 key.
You can't mix versions.
I think you'll need a valid 2006V1 licence to maintain your product, or you have to upgrade it to a current version.
But to make sure you should consider contacting the infragistics sales team.