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Custom Password String in UltraTextEditor

Hi, I need an editor (UltraTextEditor, or an implemetation of the base class: UltraWinEditorMaskedControlBase)

in which the user enters a value and the display is a Custom Password String


Value: 1234567ABCD ValueDisplay : XYZW567ABCD (in edit mode both (InEditMode) true and false) where CustomPasswordString:XYZW

im inheriting from a EditorWithText (UltraTextEditor) in which i override the following method:

 protected override string GetElementText(EmbeddableUIElementBase element, bool ignorePasswordChar)
            String elementText = base.GetElementText(element, false);
            object value = element.Owner.GetValue(element.OwnerContext);
            EmbeddableEditorBase editor = element.Editor;

            if (editor != null && editor.IsInEditMode && editor.IsEnteringEditMode && editor.IsValid)
                value = editor.Value;

            if (value != null && !editor.IsEnteringEditMode && soportsPassword)
                String originalText = editor.DataValueToText(value, element.Owner, element.OwnerContext, true);

                elementText = String.Empty;

                for (int i = 0; i < (String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalText) ? 0 : originalText.Length); i++)
                    if (i < passwordText.Length)
                        elementText += passwordText[i].ToString();
                        elementText += originalText[i].ToString();

            return elementText;

The problem is the Custom Password String must be displayed in the editor mode, but when the Custom Password String is displayed it gets assigned the value from the editor (Value = ValueDisplay)


Value: 1234567ABCD  ValueDisplay : XYZW567ABCD
New Value: 9988001234567ABCD ValueDisplay : XYZW001234567ABCD (OK)  ValueDisplay : XYZW00XYZW567ABCD (Error)