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igxGridColumnComponent programatically set the width of a column

Is it possible to set the width of certain igxGrid columns programmatically? I'm allow the grid to auto-generate the columns, but by default they're not wide enough to show the header text and sometimes the content, so I tried the following:

  onColumnInit(column: IgxColumnComponent) {
    if (column.field === 'Timestamp')
      column.width = '400px'
This doesn't seem to affect the column width. Is this possible to do on auto-generated columns?
  • 320
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello John VanZwieten,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.

    Yes it is possible, but there was a bug in our latest version 5.1.3, that has been already addressed and resolved in our 5.2.0 beta release. So I am sending you a zip file with sample project that use our latest release (5.2.0-beta.1) and resolves your issue. It is very important to notice a few changes that are required to do when you set up a new project with our latest version (5.2.0-beta.1):

    in file angular-cli.json you should add:

    "apps": [
          "root": "src",
          "styles": [

    and in your styles.css  if you want to use material-icons, you should add

    If you need any further assistance, please contact us.

    Best Regards,
    Desislava Dincheva
    Associate Software Developer