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Problem with focus for igx-carousel


If you use the example sample ( from the site and you change the [loop]="loop" pause="false" to [interval]="5000" the carousel will always get the focus when it changes the slide. So if you just start typing in the ts-file and the carousel changes slide, you can't type anymore until you click in the ts file again.
This is just the method for reproducing the error, but I need it in my project because the client want's the auto sliding function but when you scroll down on the page and you click somewhere, the carousel loses focus and when the slide changes you scroll back up to the carousel.

So for testing this, just go to the sample and change the file content of carousel-sample-3.component.html to:
<igx-carousel #carousel [interval]="5000"
<igx-slide *ngFor="let slide of slides;">
<img [src]="slide.image">
<igx-linear-bar #linearbar [striped]="false" [max]="total" animate="true"></igx-linear-bar>
<span>{{current}} out of {{total}}</span>

Kind regards,


  • 16310
    Offline posted

    Hi Robbe,

    Thank you for reporting this issue to us. I have logged it on our product repository here, where you can observe its status. Please let me know if you have further questions, I will be glad to help.
