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Edit cell contents when focused like a spreadsheet

I am using the igxgrid and want to use arrow keys and tab keys to move around the grid cells. When a cell gets focus it should automatically be in edit mode with the contents selected so that typing anything will overwrite the contents. Basically the same navigation and editing as in MS Excel.

The user should not have to double click, F2 or [Enter] to get a cell into editing.

How can this be done? Are there some settings that will do this?

  • 320
    Offline posted

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.
    Currently, the best solution I can suggest you is to add event listener over onSelection event and to enter edit mode for the selected cell. But please keep in mind that the cell will enter edit mode only if the column is marked as editable. Here is a small example how this can be done.
    About the keyboard navigation currently is not possible to navigate from cell which is in edit mode with arrow keys, you can do in only with tab and shift + tab. But there is an issue about that in our repository that address this problem. So most probably by the end of the next month we will provide extended API, which will allow you to override our default keyboard navigation.
    If you have any additional question or need any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.