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select is not working in igx grid header


The select tag is not functional in the current version  of igniteui-angular . i am using the select in header to select option, ther is no response from select on clicking it as if it was readonly or disabled.

below is sample code for igx-column fro the header part

<igx-column headerClasses="myClass" width="100px" field="Id" [filterable]="false">
<ng-template igxHeader let-column>
<select #gridHeadSelect id="gridHeaderOptions">
<ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell">
<div class="cell__inner">
<div>{{ cell.value }}</div>
<ng-container *ngIf="isTop3(cell)">
<span class="cup" *ngIf="cell.value === 1">
<img src="">" alt="golf-trophy" />
<span class="cup" *ngIf="cell.value === 2">
<img src="">" alt="silve-trophy" />
<span class="cup" *ngIf="cell.value === 3">
<img src="">" alt="bronze-trophy" />