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isHeader of undefined?

I'm using latest Angular/Infragistics (12.0.3).

I'm getting an error that gives me nothing useful for tracing:

main.js:19079 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'isHeader' of undefined
    at IgxComboComponent_igx_combo_item_22_Template (main.js:61907)
    at executeTemplate (main.js:22182)
    at refreshView (main.js:22048)
    at refreshEmbeddedViews (main.js:23173)
    at refreshView (main.js:22072)
    at refreshComponent (main.js:23219)
    at refreshChildComponents (main.js:21845)
    at refreshView (main.js:22098)
    at refreshEmbeddedViews (main.js:23173)
    at refreshView (main.js:22072)

There's nothing in the stack trace that goes back to a useful naming of anything I'm doing. I will describe as best I can what's going on and perhaps you can reason out why I'm getting the error (or we can create a sample together that reproduces it).

I am running a comparison between 2 scenarios (with a lot of data). I am using dropdowns, similar to dropdown-sample-4. When the 2 scenario dropdowns match, there's no issue (it produces the comparison correctly). When they do not match, however, I get the error listed above. They are implemented in pretty much exactly the same way, with appropriately different labels/variables/etc. to distinguish them properly. Here is their implementation:

        <div *ngIf="scenario1List !== undefined && scenario1List.length > 1">
            <igx-input-group #scenario1Group [igxToggleAction]="scenario1Dd" displayDensity="compact">
                <igx-prefix style="width: 150px;">&nbsp;Scenario 1 Name: </igx-prefix>
                <input #scenario1Input style="width: 250px;" type="text" igxInput [igxDropDownItemNavigation]="scenario1Dd" readonly="true" placeholder="Pick a Scenario (1)" [value]="scenario1Dd.selectedItem?.value" (keydown.ArrowDown)="openDropDown('scenario1')" />
                <igx-suffix igxButton="icon" class="dropdownToggleButton" igxRipple>
                    <igx-icon>arrow_drop{{ scenario1Dd.collapsed ? '_down' : '_up' }}</igx-icon>
            <igx-drop-down #scenario1Dd displayDensity="compact" (onSelection)="setScenario($event, 1)">
                <div class="scrollable">
                    <igx-drop-down-item [selected]="true" [value]="">Choose a Scenario</igx-drop-down-item>
                    <igx-drop-down-item *ngFor="let scen of scenario1List" [value]="">{{}}</igx-drop-down-item>

        <div *ngIf="scenario2List !== undefined && scenario2List.length > 1">
            <igx-input-group #scenario2Group [igxToggleAction]="scenario2Dd" displayDensity="compact">
                <igx-prefix style="width: 150px;">&nbsp;Scenario 2 Name: </igx-prefix>
                <input #scenario2Input style="width: 250px;" type="text" igxInput [igxDropDownItemNavigation]="scenario2Dd" readonly="true" placeholder="Pick a Scenario (2)" [value]="scenario2Dd.selectedItem?.value" (keydown.ArrowDown)="openDropDown('scenario2')" />
                <igx-suffix igxButton="icon" class="dropdownToggleButton" igxRipple>
                    <igx-icon>arrow_drop{{ scenario2Dd.collapsed ? '_down' : '_up' }}</igx-icon>
            <igx-drop-down #scenario2Dd (onSelection)="setScenario($event, 2)" displayDensity="compact">
                <div class="scrollable">
                    <igx-drop-down-item [selected]="true" [value]="">Choose a Scenario</igx-drop-down-item>
                    <igx-drop-down-item *ngFor="let scen of scenario2List" [value]="">{{}}</igx-drop-down-item>

They are gated by a similarly implemented Scenario Type dropdown (each), which I have no issue with. There are other controls for filtering the horizon, type of products, and facilities produced, none of which have issues until 2 scenarios which don't match are selected. In fact, every dropdown (and combobox for facilities) throws the above error when the scenarios chosen do not match.

setScenario is implemented like this:

  setScenario(e:any, scen:number) {
    if (e.oldSelection == null || e.oldSelection.value !== e.newSelection.value) {
      if (scen == 1) { this.scenario1 = this.scenario1List.filter(s => == e.newSelection.value)[0]; }
      else if (scen == 2) { this.scenario2 = this.scenario1List.filter(s => == e.newSelection.value)[0]; }

    if (this.scenario1 !== undefined && this.scenario2 !== undefined) {

getFacilities filters down to the unique set of facilities represented in both scenarios, and works perfectly.

getWorkweeks gives the full horizon represented by the 2 scenarios (earliest WW of the 2 through the latest WW of the 2), and works perfectly.

getCompareData parses the return from the back-end and puts it into a good form for all the filters, chosen horizon, and selected rollup (WW, month, quarter), and all of these work perfectly, when the scenarios match.

There is a Calculate button which sends the data to be filtered and rolled-up, which also works perfectly when the 2 scenarios match.

  • 935
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    I figured it out, but I'm annoyed with the result.

    I was previously using a combination of functions to filter duplicate facilities from the concatenated list between scenario 1 and scenario 2. Unfortunately, using ```delete array[index];" doesn't fully remove that index from the array in TypeScript. I am forced to build a unique list by iterating through both of the returned lists, unless one of you has a better idea.

    Here is my current functionality:

      async getFacilities() {
        this.facilities = [], this.selectedFacilities = [];
        let a:idName[] = await this.scenarioService.getFacilities(,
          b:idName[] = await this.scenarioService.getFacilities(,
          c:idName[] = [];
        if ( == { this.facilities = a; }
        else {
          a.forEach(f => c.push(f));
          b.forEach(f => { if (c.findIndex(d => == < 0) { c.push(f); } });
        this.facilities = c, this.selectedFacilities = c;

    For conciseness, I would prefer to have something more like the below, without the array returned having empty indices:

      async getFacilities() {
        this.facilities = [], this.selectedFacilities = [];
        let a = await this.scenarioService.getFacilities(,
          b = await this.scenarioService.getFacilities(;
        this.facilities = a.concat(b);
        if ( == { this.facilities = a; }
        else { for (let i = this.facilities.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.facilities.findIndex(f => this.facilities[i].name == < i) { delete this.facilities[i]}; } }
        this.selectedFacilities = this.facilities;

    If you have a suggestion, that would be appreciated. Here is the implementation of Facilities combo for reference:

            <div *ngIf="facilities !== undefined && facilities !== [] && selectedFacilities !== undefined && selectedFacilities !== []">
                <igx-combo id="facFilter" [width]="'200'" displayDensity="compact" [(ngModel)]="selectedFacilities" [displayKey]="'name'" [data]="facilities" [igxFocus]="true" width="150px" placeholder="ALL (click to filter)" (onSelectionChange)="updateSelectedFacilities($event)"></igx-combo>