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Pinning column

I use pinning on a column but it doesn't work.
The particularity is that the column is grouped and the igx-grid is included in an igx-tabs

What's wrong ?

Below, a screenshot and a piece of code.

                <igx-icon igxTabHeaderIcon>info</igx-icon>
                <span igxTabHeaderLabel>Cadences/VA</span>
<div class="row ml-1 mb-2">
    <igx-buttongroup [alignment]="alignment">
        <button igxButton (click) = "hideGroup()" igxRipple [selected]="true">Simple</button>
        <button igxButton (click) = "showGroup()" igxRipple >Détaillée</button>
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12" style="min-height: 650px">
<igx-grid  #gridrecap  [data]="planningrecap" [paging]="false" [locale]="'FR'" [width]="'100%'"
 [primaryKey]="'ID_PLANNING'" [rowEditable]="false">

        <igx-grid-toolbar-title>Bilan estimé à fin de tâches</igx-grid-toolbar-title>
      <igx-column-group header="Tâches" >
        <igx-column header="" pinned="true" filterable=false  [field]="'DESCRIPTION'" width="400px"  [cellStyles]="groupsep" [cellClasses]="{ engras : EstGras}" ></igx-column>