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Is there a way to dynamically allocate space with an igxInput?

I am using 13.2 IG/AG.

Is there a way to dynamically allocate space in an Input (width and multiple rows) depending on how long the content is expected to be? If not, is there a text area object that I'm not seeing in the component library?

I have an Input (at present) that has an average text size of about 96 characters. Since it's in a modal-dialog, I'd definitely prefer it to be taller rather than wide enough to blot out the entire screen behind it (as it would require and not even show everything for users with narrow screens).

Here is my current code for it:

		<igx-input-group displayDensity="compact">
			<igx-prefix>Answer: </igx-prefix>
			<input igxInput style="width: 600px" id="answer" type="text" [(ngModel)]="editFaq.answer" (ngModelChange)="$event)" />

Thanks in advance!