I am using WebDatePicker with WebMonthCalendar. There is one random issue I am facing with WebDatePicker rendering, Sometimes right side drop down button take more width (double than the highlighted):
I am not able to reproduce this issue in my local dev environment. In production environment also this issue is very random. In production customer is using IE 11 browser. Any specific reason, why this is happening.
Hello Rohit,
After investigating this further, I determined that a possible reason for the double width of the button could be if any css styles are applied that are overriding the default ones.
However width of the button could be set in order to always be same without changing the existing css files. Setting the width of the button could be achieved by using “Buttons-ButtonCssClass“ property :
<ig:WebDatePicker ID="WebDatePicker1" runat="server" DropDownCalendarID="WebMonthCalendar1" Buttons-ButtonCssClass="button">
<Buttons SpinButtonsDisplay="OnLeft">
Please let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.
Monika Kirkova,