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Column Chart formatting

I have a simple category chart created. I'm trying to format the label, tooltip and numeric values as currency format but i can't find where to do it using the Asp.Net MVC Helper. 

Here's the code:

<div id="columnChart" class="chart">
.Title("Payments last 7 days")
.Legend(legend => legend.ID("legend"))
.Axes(axes =>
.Label(item => item.FormattedDate);
.Title("$ Payment Totals");
.Series(series =>
series.Column("Payment Type").ValueMemberPath(item=>item.CreditCardAmount).Title("Credit Card").XAxis("xAxis").YAxis("yAxis").ShowTooltip(true);
series.Column("IVR").ValueMemberPath(item => item.IVRAmount).Title("IVR").XAxis("xAxis").YAxis("yAxis").ShowTooltip(true);
series.Column("Check").ValueMemberPath(item => item.CheckAmount).Title("Check").XAxis("xAxis").YAxis("yAxis").ShowTooltip(true);
series.Column("Other").ValueMemberPath(item => item.OtherAmount).Title("Other").XAxis("xAxis").YAxis("yAxis").ShowTooltip(true);
<div id="legend" class="legend"></div>

I would like the Legend, and tooltips to display in a currency format ie. $10.00

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