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Doubt regarding manual paging.

Hello everyone,

So, i want to perform manual paging where i bring data in pages only when user change the page number. I m unable to perform this. Please help me out with this.

note : In below code i have not enabled manual paging as i m confused how to extract parameter from query string and how to bring data only when user switch pages.(server side paging)


@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc;
@using System.Text.Json

@*@model IEnumerable<GridTransaction.Models.Student>*@
@* The Ignite UI for MVC Grid data source uses LINQ and therefore only accepts instances of IQueryable<T>.
Even when you opt to use the GridMode you will explicitly set the DataSource property which
requires an instance of IQueryable<T> .*@



@* @(

.Columns(columns =>
columns.For(model => model.Id).DataType("number").HeaderText("Student ID").Width("15%");
columns.For(model => model.Name).DataType("string").HeaderText("Student Name").Width("30%");
columns.For(model => model.Marks).DataType("number").HeaderText("Marks").Width("30%");
columns.For(model => model.subject).DataType("string").HeaderText("Subject").Width("15%");
columns.For(model => model.Imagepath).DataType("string").HeaderText("Imagepath").Template("<img src='${Imagepath}' width='50' height='50' />");

// Set the data source URL
.Features(features =>
features.Tooltips().Visibility(TooltipsVisibility.Always);// provide informaion about grid when you hover over

features.Updating().ColumnSettings(set =>
) *@

<table id="grid">


<div class="text-center">
<button id="savechanges" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>


@section scripts{

@*Batch Update*@
$(function () {
primaryKey: "id",
renderCheckboxes: true,
autoGenerateColumns: false,
updateUrl: "/Student/put/",
width: "100%",

columns: [
{ headerText: "Student ID", key: "id", dataType: "number", width: "15%" },
{ headerText: "Student Name", key: "name", dataType: "string", width: "30%" },
{ headerText: "Marks", key: "marks", dataType: "number", width: "30%" },
headerText: "Image",
key: "imagepath",
dataType: "string",
width: "15%",
template: "<img src='${imagepath}' width='50' height='50' />"
{ headerText: "Subject", key: "subject", dataType: "string", width: "15%" }
dataSourceUrl: "/Student/Data12",
dataSource: "/Student/Data",

features: [
name: "Selection",
mode: "row",
multipleSelection: true
name: "RowSelectors",
enableCheckBoxes: true,
enableRowNumbering: true
name: "GroupBy"
name :"Paging",
pageSize : 7

name: "Filtering",
filterExprUrlKey: "filter",
columnSettings: [
columnKey: "selectColumn",
allowFiltering: false
name: "Sorting",
type: "remote",
// sortUrlKey: 'sort',
// sortUrlKeyAscValue: 'asc',
// sortUrlKeyDescValue: 'desc'
name: "Updating",
enableAddRow: true,
editMode: "row",
validation: true,
enableDeleteRow: true,
rowAdded: function (evt, ui) {
// Custom logic to execute when a row is added
console.log("Event arguments (ui):", ui);
console.log("Row data:", ui.rowId);
console.log(typeof (ui.values));
columnSettings: [
columnKey: "id",
readOnly: true


columnKey: "name",
editorType: "text",
validation: true,
editorOptions: {

required: {
errorMessage: "You must enter a value to submit."

custom: function(ui,evt){
var validator = $("#grid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "name").data("igValidator").element;

if (ui == "rohit") {

$(validator).igValidator("option", "errorMessage", "cant enter name rohit");

return false;
return true;


columnKey: "marks",
editorType: "number",
validation: true,
editorOptions: {
validatorOptions: {
required: {
errorMessage: "You must enter a value to submittt."

if (ui >= 50) {
var validator1 = $("#grid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "imagepath").data("igValidator").element;
// var validator11 = $("#grid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "imagepath");
// console.log(validator11);
// console.log("hi");
// console.log(validator11);

// var validator12 = $("#grid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "imagepath").data("igValidator");

// console.log(validator12);

$(validator1).igValidator("option", "required", true);

$(validator1).igValidator("option", "errorMessage", 'This field is required for marks between 50-100');

return true;
else {
var validator1 = $("#grid").igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "imagepath").data("igValidator").element;

$(validator1).igValidator("option", "required", false);

return true;

$("#savechanges").on("click", function () {
alert("Save button clicked");
// Save changes when the button is clicked




public JsonResult Data12()

var absolutepath1 = HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString();
var absolutepath = HttpContext.Request.Query["$orderby"].ToString();


string[] m = absolutepath.Split(' ');
//foreach(var m2 in m)
// Console.WriteLine(m2);
// absolutepath.Remove("?");

var colname = m[0];
var orderb1y = m[1];

IEnumerable<Student> sat = data.sort(colname, orderb1y);

// IEnumerable<Student> students = data.GetStudents();

return Json(sat);

Parents Reply
  • 660
    Offline posted in reply to Rohit Rawat

    Hello Rohit,

    (1) Did you have the chance to inspect the response from the request in order to determine if it is in the correct format?

    This could be done with right mouse click -> Inspect -> Network tab -> YOUR_REQUEST_NAME -> Response tab

    It should contain the Records (array of objects) and TotalRecordsCount (number) properties in order to be considered a correct format.

    I am asking this question because this error most commonly is due to the response format not matching the defined schema (the responseDataKey: 'Records')

    This is also mentioned in our Handling Remote Features Manually topic here:

    Note that the property holding the data should match the responseDataKey option defined on the client-side and the property holding the total count should match the recordCountKey option of the Paging feature.

    Additionally, I have noticed that you are setting both the dataSource and the dataSourceUrl options. In the Handling Remote Features Manually sample here as well as the provided by me sample here, only the dataSource option is set and when performing paging, sorting, filtering, etc., the requests are only sent to the method specified in the dataSource option.

    (2) Is there any specific reason for having both options set?

    If not, I would suggest removing the dataSourceUrl option since initially and on every other interaction the request is sent to the dataSource: "/Student/Data" method which, as previously mentioned, should return a response in the correct format. Having this in mind, using return Json(data.GetStudents()); is not an option since the response format is not correct. Try this one instead:

    JsonResult result = new JsonResult(new { }, new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = null });
    result.Value = new { Records = MODIFIED_DATA_HERE, TotalRecordsCount = TOTAL_COUNT_HERE };
    return result;

    Setting the result.Value as demonstrated in the above code will ensure that your response has the correct format.

    If you require using the dataSourceUrl option as well, then the above is also valid for the dataSourceUrl: "/Student/Data12" method – you should return a JsonResult that includes the Records (array of objects) and TotalRecordsCount (number) properties.

    Please test this approach on your side and if you continue to experience this behavior, inspect the received response. It should be in a format similar to this one:

        "Records": [
                "ID": 1,
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe",
                "Country": "USA",
                "Age": 25
                "ID": 2,
                "FirstName": "Jane",
                "LastName": "Doe",
                "Country": "Canada",
                "Age": 26
        "TotalRecordsCount": 20

    If the Records key is misspelled ("records", "RECORDS", etc.), or missing, then it could be concluded that this is the reason for this behavior and the returned JsonResult format in the custom /Student/Data and /Student/Data12 methods should be changed as suggested.

    To conclude, as the provided by me sample seems to be working correctly and cannot reproduce the described behaviors, I would suggest referencing it and comparing the different parts to your own project. Also, I would suggest referring to our Handling Remote Features Manually topic as well.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance regarding this matter.

    Riva Ivanova
    Associate Software Developer

No Data