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DataGrid issues

I've been playing with the DataGrid for a few days now, and have a few queries/issues:

  1. I'd say the first issue is when are we likely to see some proper API documentation? The demos you have currently only go so far, and leave us guessing when it comes to digging deeper
  2. Which leads to my first problem. I have a <DateTimeColumn> and I want to control the display format. I found the FormatString attribute, which seems like the obvious candidate, but setting it to "dd/MM/yyyy" simply outputs the literal "dd/MM/yyyy" in every date cell, instead of applying it as a format
  3. I'm using row grouping, using the demo from here. This suggests declaring the group in code, on the setting for the grid's ref property. This works, but gives you a warning that the properties shouldn't be set outside their component. It seemed sensible to try adding a <ColumnGroupDescription> declaration to the grid definition, but I couldn't get this to work. Tried it with a few variations, like putting it inside other attributes, but nothing worked. It was a little surprising that I didn't get any errors from what were presumably invalid declarations?
  4. These forums seem like a bit of an afterthought at the moment - no topics, etc. As a user it makes me unsure that they are being monitored

On the whole the grid feels great, by the way, very pleased with it. Just at the moment I'm a bit nervous about committing to its use in the site I'm working on. Hopefully documentation will follow shortly, and also we'll see some a quick stream of updates available via nuget?
