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IgbMultiColumnComboBox Label/Formatting

I'm having an issue with the MultiColumnComboBox formatting.  If you use the label tag the label doesn't seem to fit correctly into the control:

Here is an example:

The only example on the help page doesn't use the label tag, but you can see the spacing is similar if you change the background fill color:

Also, the extra space above the control seems to be there even if you don't use a label?

Hope this is clear....


  • 7595
    Offline posted


    Thank you for sharing the images and modifing the sample i shared with you.
    Yes you are right labels are not align and don’t have same font size/weight. Right now custom style is the only way to make it work like you are expecting.

    Although about your third point , multi label is transparent and that’s why it took background gray color.

    Currently this is how control is design, we are planning to modify our docs also.
    But if you want, you can also describe this behavior into git hub as a new feature idea for future version at: