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igbgrid without javascript


Our webSite is 100% Blazor  no javascript.... there is any way to use the  igbgrid features without including javascript code in my code ?

The most code example you have ont documentation are using the igRegisterScript  'JavaScript'


  • 34850
    Offline posted

    Hello Michel,

    Just about everything in the IgbGrid that is demonstrated in our documentation is doable at either the Blazor (.razor) or JavaScript level. For each event that the grid exposes, there is a “Script” version of that event that utilizes the igRegisterScript part that you have referenced. The non-“Script” version is the .razor handler for that event.

    It is worth noting that the things that we showcase that are using igRegisterScript in our documentation are mainly things such as templating, and the reason that is in our documentation that way is because we recommend that if you are doing these things, that you do them in JavaScript. They can be done at the .razor level, but they won’t be as performant, and the reason for this is because of the nature of the Blazor application and the way that it works – especially if you are using Blazor Server.

    Features such as templating or conditional formatting are far more performant and reliable when done in JavaScript because most of the communication between the .razor level and the JavaScript level of the application happens asynchronously in Blazor and so you may see delays or pop-in of templates depending on how long that async operation takes. In my opinion, JavaScript is an integral part of Blazor and general web development, and by not using it, you are potentially hindering the performance of your application.

    That said, if there are pieces of our documentation for the IgbGrid (or other Infragistics controls) that are currently implemented in JavaScript that you would like an example of how to do at the .razor level, I can provide that.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.