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Event binding in IgTextEditor control withing Angular2,Typescript App

Hello Team,

I would like to know, how can we bind an event on igTextEditor? 

I would like to do something like this, 

Working with simple HTML Textbox as below,

<input id="input_{{controlID}}" [(ngModel)]="viewValue" type="text" (keydown)="allowOnlyDelete($event)" (keyup)="setValue(viewValue)" [disabled]="disabled" />

HowTO with IgniteUI Texteditor,

<ig-text-editor widgetId="tes" name="tes" [(ngModel)]="viewValue" (keydown)="allowOnlyDelete($event)" (keyup)="setValue(viewValue)" [disabled]="disabled"></ig-text-editor>

One sample code would be great to understand the implementation. Thank you for your support in advance. 

Looking forward to your help.

