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Grid Height increases on calling igGridFiltering programmatically

When I call the follwing method programmatically

$("#accSelectionGrid").igGridFiltering("filter", ([{ fieldName: "ac_name", expr: accountName, cond: "contains", logic: "OR" }]));

The height of grid which is set to .Height("300px") in my helper syntax gets increased and the grid container oversteps the parent modal div and increases from height 300px although in browser inspector the height of the grid is still set to 300 pixels but the grid exceeds 300px boundary & exceeds the modal container.

When I manually enter a search term in filter textboxes then the grid height readjusts itself & becomes  300px again, but callingit programmatically like this :

.igGridFiltering("filter", ([{ fieldName: "ac_name", expr: accountName, cond: "contains", logic: "OR" }])); results in this strange behavior.

What is solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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