Hi Team
is there any possibilities like if filter is applied on grid, export only filtered data if at all data is distributed in 5 pages.
for example in 8000 data if 3000 is filtered data export all 3000 data only.
Hi Hristo
that actually not working for me args.setValue in cell exporting event is coming as undefined.
may be i am missing some thing can you please help me on that.
Hi Hiristo
actually what we are doing our client has business requirement like our client want to display percentage value some times with two decimal value sometimes 3 sometimes n.
since infragistic has max/min decimal value 2 for percent format default that we are achieving by formatter where we restrict the number to display as desired number of decimals its working but now we are trying to export excel data the percentage value is string on cell whose type is number due to that its exporting data on cell with error says string is stored in number cells.
for that solution what i am thinking the cells value which is going to export to convert into float and set that cells format to percent.
something like this...
cellExporting: function (sender, args) { var filteredColumn = $.grep(sender._columnsToExport, function (v) { return v.hidden == false && v.key == args.columnKey }); if (filteredColumn.length > 0) { var format = filteredColumn[0].format; if (format == 'currency') { args.xlRow.getCellFormat(args.columnIndex).formatString('$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)'); } if (typeof (args.cellValue) == "string" && args.cellValue.contains('%')) { //args.cellValue=parseFloat(args.cellValue); args.cellValue = 2.33; args.xlRow.getCellFormat(args.columnIndex).formatString('0.00%'); } } },
do you have any better solution for me it will be very helpful
looking for your response.
args.setValue actually changes the value that is going to be exported to the sheet. So 2.33 is the original value, how do you want it to be formatted, and what is the formatter function you use ?
Please let me know and I will see if there is an issue
in cellExporting event is there is possibilities to set args.cellValue when i am trying to do args.cellValue=2.33 its still exporting the original data
Note: that cell also has for-matter function attached.
Thats work for me thanks for your help and quick reply.