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Bind child grid of igHierarchicalGrid with stored procedure

I want to create columns dynamically on igHierarchicalGrid with LoadOnDemand option. First, I want to show records of parent grid returned by a stored procedure. Then by clicking (+) sign, I want to call another stored procedure which will return dynamic columns according to the Primary key of Parent grid. Following is the code I tried in Javascript but it is not showing columns and data of Parent grid.

var actionUrl = '@Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")';
var actionUrl2 = '@Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")';
initialDataBindDepth: 0,
loadOnDemand: true,
renderCheckboxes: true,
dataSource: actionUrl,
dataSourceType: "json",
responseDataKey: "Source",
autoGenerateColumns: true,
autoGenerateLayouts: true,
primaryKey: "KeywordID",
defaultColumnWidth: "100px",
width: "100%",
height: "420px",
columnLayouts: [
dataSource: actionUrl2,
key: "pagedList",
dataSourceType: "json",
responseDataKey: 'Source',
autoGenerateColumns: true,
primaryKey: "KeywordId",
foreignKey: "KeywordID"

Both actions are returning json type data source.

Please suggest for the above code or provide a reference for generating igHierarchicalGrid with dynamic columns.

  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Far,

    Thank you for posting in our forums!
    I do not have a clear understanding of what type of dynamic columns you are trying to display.  And from the code you provided, I cannot determine why the parent grid is not displaying data.
    To better assist you with this, please provide a simple sample that reproduces the issue you are seeing.  Also provide me with the steps to reproduce so I may better understand the issue.