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igScheduler - how to disable update & deletion based on resource Id

I wish to use the igScheduler for a new web application that manages driving tests. 

In the application, users may view Driving Test Appointments which are set by back office staff but they may not change or delete them.  These Driving Test Appointments will have a particular resource id.  Users may, however, create and edit their own sundry appointments which will have other resource id types.

How can I enable / disable the updates by resource id?  For the Driving Test Appointment resource id types, I still want the users to be able to view appointments via the dialog. I just want to prevent them from making any changes and have the Save button disabled.

Charles CB

  • 4315
    Offline posted

    Hi, Charles.

    I think using the appointmentDialogOpened event can be useful for you and inside you an get recurrenceID of the current appointment, and using that to distinguish, which appointments will be read-only and which not.

        height: "650px",
        width: "100%",
        agendaViewSettings: {
             dateRangeInterval: 10
        views: ["agendaView", "monthView"],
        selectedDate: today,
        dataSource: scheduleListDataSource,
        appointmentDialogOpened: function(e, args) {
             id = args.owner._options.currentAppointment.recurrenceId()

    I hope that this will help you. Thank you for using our product!

    Best regards,

    Nikolay Alipiev

    Software Developer