I added showEmptyConditions: true to my igGrid definition as I need to be able to filter on empty values, but the filter menu options are not rendering correctly. There are actually two menu options in the list, but there's no text or icon for same appearing.
You can see in the screenshot below one example of a blue strip which actually represents one of the menu options. I can press it and the relevant "Blank" and "Not Blank" filters are applied.
IgniteUI Version is 17.2. Here is the initialization code:
$("#SecurityGrid").igGrid({ width: "100%", height: "400px", autoGenerateColumns: false, rowVirtualization: true, primaryKey: "UUID", dataSourceUrl: "@Url.Action("Get", "api/SecIDApi", new { Area = "CreditScoring" })" + "?&managerGroup=" + encodeURIComponent(selManagerGroup) + "&industry=" + encodeURIComponent(selIndustry) + "&analystID=" + encodeURIComponent(selAnalyst), columns: [ {headerText: "Analyst Name", key: "AnalystName", dataType: "string", width: "150px", allowHiding: true, hidden: false}, {headerText: "ClearwaterID", key: "ClearwaterID", dataType: "string", width: "150px", allowHiding: true, hidden: false}, {headerText: "Issuer", key: "IssuerName", dataType: "string", width: "200px", allowHiding: true, hidden: false}, {headerText: "Manager Group", key: "ManagerGroup", dataType: "string", width: "125px", allowHiding: true, hidden: false}, {headerText: "Industry", key: "Industry", dataType: "string", width: "150px", allowHiding: true, hidden: false}, {headerText: "UUID", key: "UUID", dataType: "string", width: "100px", allowHiding: true, hidden: true}, ], features: [ {name: "Filtering", type: "local", showEmptyConditions: true, caseSensitive: false, filterSummaryAlwaysVisible: false, persist: true}, {name: "Sorting",type: "local",persist: true}, {name: "RowSelectors", enableCheckBoxes: true, enableRowNumbering: false}, {name: "Selection", mode: "row", type: "local", multipleSelection: true, persist: true} ], rendered: function (ui, evt) { console.log("SecurityGridDiv has been rendered"); } }).igGrid('dataBind');
Here's the rendered HTML, you can see the empty and not empty definitions -