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Getting incorrect RowIndex in VirtulaizationGrid


Virtualization grid is not taking correct RowIndex.

Used row Virtulaization in the Grid and Mode is continuous.

rowVirtualization : true
virtualizationMode : "continuous"

Rowindex number is taking from the cellClick function. But in the firtpage
RowIndex is getting correctly. By scrolling down rowindex number is not taking correctly.
Didnot use any pagination.
var selectedRowIndex;
cellClick: function (evt, ui)
selectedRowIndex = ui.rowIndex;

Please adivce is there any other proerty needs to be consider fo Reading correct Rowindex number for rowVirtualization grid.

  • 85
    Offline posted

    Please provide any help regarding the above Query. Any other work around.

  • 85
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Found the Issue. Updating the details to help who ever needed.

    if used "getCellValue" method to fetch the cell value need to pass the startRowIndex + rowIndex to get the correct Rowvalues.

    var startRowIndex = $("gridId").data("igGrid")._startRowIndex;
    $("gridId").igGrid("getCellValue", startRowIndex + rowIndex, "columnName");

    if Used "cellAt" method to fetch the cell value need to pass the rowIndex to get the correct RowValues.

    $($(gridId).igGrid('cellAt', columnIndex, rowIndex));