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Extending IgDataChart palette


I am facing a problem with IgDataChart that re-uses the brush colors if more than 10 series are added. I tried in the  initialization to execute the following javascript code: 

  var brushes = ["aqua", "brown", "violet", "chocolate", "coral", "crimson", "red", "gold", "purple", "green", "turquoise", "pink", "yellow"];
                isHorizontalZoomEnabled: true,
                isVerticalZoomEnabled: true,
                windowResponse: "immediate",
                brushes: brushes,
                width: "100%",
                axes: [
                        type: "numericX",
                        name: "xAxis",
                        stroke: "black",
                        strokeThickness: 1,
                        LabelTopMargin: 10,
                        minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke",
                        labelAngle: 0,
                        labelExtent: 40,
                        labelTextColor: "black"
                    }, {
                        type: "numericY",
                        name: "yAxis",
                        stroke: "black",
                        strokeThickness: 1,
                        majorStroke: "lightGrey",
                        minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke",
                        labelExtent: 60,
                        labelTextColor: "black"

but igDataChart does not use the new brush colors. Is there an extra step to accomplish? 

I am using IgniteUI 20.2.6.