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When updating row that contains a date column, the date value is serialized with the wrong regional format


We are currently facing an issue when updating a row that contains a date column, the value is not serialized with the right regional format :

In the datasource, we have the value like this (which match our value in database) :

DATE : Thu Jan 26 2023 11:58:08 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale)

It also displays well on the grid with the right regional format, but when we update a cell (not the date column) on this row and using the saveChanges updating grid method, the serialize date looks like this :

DATE : "2023-01-26T10:58:08.000Z"

It doesn't match our database value anymore, it has 1 hour less.

We tried to set enableUTCDates: false, because as it is indicated in the documentation : "It serves the purpose to specify dates serialization." but it doesn't solve the problem, so maybe it doesn't affect the serialized values for updating.

Is there another option to keep the right regional format when serializing updating row values ?

Thank you for the answer.