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Migration from 2017 to 2022 - Mvc dll

We are facing an issue while upgrading Infragistics.MVC.dll 2017 to 2022 version.

 It looks like in the new version (2022), the content type should be “application/JSON” for all the AJAX POST requests (and obviously the data should be in a proper JSON format). But in our project, there are places where we make the AJAX POST with content type as “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” (data sent in the HTTP message body) and ended up getting the following error while using v2022 DLL - “unexpected character encountered while parsing value path line” while deserializing the input.

 We haven’t faced this issue in v2017 DLL. So, I tried to compare the 2 DLLs and found that, there is a new condition specifically for POST requests to handle JSON content and that is what is causing this issue in v2022.


Is this something we have to change in our scripts to use “application/JSON” for all AJAX POST calls (or) is there another way to support form postings back to an IG method?