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Basic sample, but get javascript error in ig.ui.min


Sorry for posting a trivial question, but I'm playing with the grid control, and have trouble making the most simplest functionality to work.

I get the following error: "rec is undefined" in ig.ui.min, and firebug is telling me this is the error: "(function(){var a=false,b=/xyz/.test(f...a.ig.TrialWatermark=true}})}(jQuery));"

So, is this related to some licensing (the trialwatermark)?

Ok, lets assume it's not. This is what I have:

        url = "Test.cshtml?GetData=true";
        jsonp = new $.ig.JSONPDataSource({ dataSource: url, responseDataKey: "results" });
        $(function () {
                autoGenerateColumns: true,
                dataSource: jsonp,
                height: '400px',
                features: [
                    name: 'Paging',
                    type: 'remote'// Når står til remote, så sender han queryparametere med automagisk, ikke fått til å funke:
                    pageSize: 20,
                    totalRecCountKey: 'totalRecCount'
                failure: function (data) {
                    alert("ERROR: " + data);

And my service is returning this:


(server code)

           var persons = new List<object>();
            for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++)
                persons.Add(new { Name = n + i, Age = i, Street = "123" + i * 2 });
            Json.Write(new { results = persons, totalRecCount=tot }, Response.Output);

Any ideas whats wrong? 
