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Remote Filtering on whole table rather than only the current page


I am using ASP.Net MVC & IgniteUI.

I have a grid that displays paged data. The paging is remote & by that I mean that the whole result is not fetched at once in the form of IQueryable result set. I have Sql query that pulls only the requested page data by using the PageSize & PageIndex properties of the grid.

Therefore the datasource of the grid knows only about tha data which is currently being displayed on the page and not the whole dataset.

Now I want to use remote filtering, Here I want the remote filtering to search for data in the whole table of the database rather than only the displayed page of the grid.

In Remote Paging I used PageSize & PageIndex property to pull only the requested page of the grid.

How can I search the whole table for the matching data rather than only the current page data ? Do I have to construct the query myself or will IgGrid provide this functionality like it does in Local Filtering? In Local Filtering only the paged data is searched, I want to search all the pages of my grid but the problem is only the current page is the datasource of the grid and hence the grid does not know about other pages. 

How can I achieve this? Please provide a short sample if you can, that would be really helpful.

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