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Getting Error: cannot call methods on igGridGroupBy prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'option'

We are getting error when use the below function before groupby initalization. 

groupedColumns = $("#grid").igGridGroupBy("option", "groupedColumns");

Any advice on this?

  • 9190
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Renganathan,

    Thank you for posting on our forums.

    You're encountering this issue because the GroupBy feature logic in your igGrid implementation has been commented out. If you remove the comments (like this), it will allow the igGrid to initialize the itself with the igGroupBy feature and set the Product Name as the GroupBy Column. If you don't want to set the Product Name column as the GroupBy column, you can initialize the GroupBy feature (like this). Note, if you wish to use the GroupBy feature, it's required that you initialize it for the igGrid in this way.

    Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.