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Prevent columns from showing in IgrColumnChooser list

I have a few columns I don't want users to be able to show/hide. Is there any way to prevent a column from showing in IgrColumnChooser. I'd also like to prevent it from being hidden from the column options in the column header.

It seems like it should be a prop on the column itself (something like isColumnHideable).

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     Hello Charles, 

    Currently we don’t have any API to  prevent columns from showing in IgrColumnChooser, its a new feature idea for us .

    You are right it should be a property on the column itself to enable or disable column being showing in the column chooser like other platforms have.

    For react its a feature we need to implement .You can suggest this feature /prop ideas for future versions by emailing

    Submitting your idea will send it directly to our product management team so that it can be imported into our new ideas community once live: 

    Remember when submitting your idea to explain the context in which a feature would be used and why it is needed as well as anything that would prevent you from accomplishing this today. You can even add screenshots to build a stronger case.  You can also link back to this thread for additional details. 

    Thank you in advance   to submitting your product idea.

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