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open the column-option-ui-dialog programmatically

How can I open the column option ui dialog programmatically?

By activating it with isColumnOptionsEnabled="true" it will be possible in the column header itself.

But I need it via an api.



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  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hello Andrej,

    I have been investigating your requirement in this case, and unfortunately there does not currently exist an API for programmatically opening the column options dialog of the columns of the IgrDataGrid.

    With that said, there does exist an IgrGridColumnOptions React element that you can utilize that represents the content of the popup for the column options dialog. You need to set the column property of this element for it to populate the information that you would see in the drop-down. Perhaps you could utilize this in a popup or other dialog to simulate the actual behavior of the column options of the column itself.

    If you would like to potentially see a method that will open the column options dialog on a particular column, I would recommend suggesting a new feature request for this method to be exposed at our Ignite UI for React GitHub page, here: This will place you in direct communication with our product management teams who plan and prioritize upcoming features and development based on community and user feedback.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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