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Ordering Screenparts Categories

We have a fairly large library of screenparts.  We also have organized them in various categories.  Is there a way to change the order in which the categories are listed so we can  push the ones used less often lower in the listing order?  I'm assuming there is no way in the UI but is there an easy way to do this via editing the project files?  

  • 1655
    Offline posted

    Hi Robert!

    Thanks for contacting us.

    There is no way to order screenpart categories from the UI. They are sort by created date (the most recent one on top). We have an internal ticket to sort them alphabetically. If they are sorted alphabetically, does it work for you?

    You can change the order editing the .proj file. In order to that, please close your project and then open the .proj file which is located under your project folder. Then go to the section delimited by <Project.ScreenpartsCategories> and </Project.ScreenpartsCategories> and reorder the rows in the order that you want to see them in the toolbox.

    In this example, categories are shown in toolbox as "my category 3", "my category 2" and "my category 1":

      <ScreenpartsCategory Name="my category 1" Screenparts="..." />
      <ScreenpartsCategory Name="my category 2" Screenparts="..." />
      <ScreenpartsCategory Name="my category 3" Screenparts="..." />

    If you want to reorder them as "my category 2", "my category 1" and "my category 3", you only have to change the order in the .proj file as follow, save the .proj file and the open the project again in Indigo:

        <ScreenpartsCategory Name="my category 3" Screenparts="..." />
        <ScreenpartsCategory Name="my category 1" Screenparts="..." />
        <ScreenpartsCategory Name="my category 2" Screenparts="..." />

    Please let us know if you need further assistance.