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Cascading Filter

I know the cascading filter is working on dynamic filters. But I found that it is not working between Dashboard Filter and Widget Filter in desktop version.

For example, I put Country as the global Dashboard Filter and then put City as a filter in one widget. The selection of Country did not filter the correct Cities. This working fine in IOS version but not in Desktop version.

  • 0
    Offline posted

    It seems like there might be an issue with the cascading filter functionality between the Dashboard Filter and Widget Filter in the desktop version. This discrepancy resembles the differences between an Ethernet splitter and a switch. Just as a splitter shares bandwidth among devices, the cascading filter might not efficiently route data between the global and widget filters, unlike a switch, which would provide dedicated pathways for smoother communication. For More: ethernet splitter vs switch

  • 425
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi IT at CJM,

    Thank you for your support request and for reporting what most likely is a bug. Let me confirm it and get back to you.

    All the best,