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Report plus connect sqlexpress

dear all

just bought report plus, quite expensive.

i have system built with sqlsrver 2005 express, afterr some configuratin (ip address, port number and database name), shown message connection success,

but no table is shown, is there an i can do? With excel, report plus work fine



  • 9750
    Offline posted

    Hi Nico!

    Thank you for posting at IG forums.

    Can you send a screenshot of the dashboard panel setup?

    Does nothing happen when you add fields to the pivot table?

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

  • 75
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Nico,

    please try removing the database name from the data source settings, there's an issue related to this in the 1.2 version that will be fixed in the 1.5 version.

