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Filter options

I have an issue where I need to only filter on a single selection and show that filter's value on the slide.  If I choose the filter option in the widget then there is no option to restrict to selecting one value only - always multiple selection, unless I am mistaken, the selected filter value in this case does show on the slide.  If I choose the filter option in the Pages Dataset then I have the option to select single or multiple values, but there is no ability to show the value of this filter on the slide, either in the heading or body, unless I am mistaken.  Note: The report in this scenario is a bar chart.

Is there an immediate solution, or would this be something for future releases?

  • 9750
    Offline posted

    Hello Tony,

    Thank you for posting at IG forums!

    The filter does not currently have a single-value option. You can check and uncheck in order to leave one value only.

    For now, there isn't a way of changing a widget's title, though it is indeed a good idea. Would you mind adding it here: ?

    Thanks in advance,