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ReportPlus does not recognise OData DateTimeOffset data type


we have an OData 2.0 compliant web service and I have configured RerpotPlus to retrieve and display data from it. When I use OData Entities with columns of type DateTime, these are correctly seen as Date columns and date sensitive charts can be produced. When I use OData Entities with columns of type DateTimeOffset, Report Plus does not recognise them as Date columns and ReporPlus is unable to use the retrieve data in date sensitive charts.

I am using ReportPlus 3.5.805 and I am pretty sure that older versions of ReportPlus were able to recognise DateTimeOffset entries as date columns.

Can you please advice if there's any setting I need to change in the application to get this to work or if this is an issue that needs to be resolved?


  • 9750
    Offline posted

    Hello and thank you for your support request!

    Is there anyway we could connect to one of your OData endpoints? It could even be a dummy one that we can use to reproduce the issue.

    This can help us fix the issue faster.

    Thanks in advance,