I am using UltraWeb Grid in my VB.NET web application. I have two grids in a page and when i move the scroll bar of the first grid , the scroll bar of the second grid should also move.
Both the grids have the same number of columns. when i move the horizontal scroll bar of the first grid , the Horizontal scroll bar of second grid should also move and stop at the same position.
1.How to change the scroll bar position of the second grid based on the scroll bar of the first grid??
2. Is it possible to hide the Scroll bar of second grid and scroll based of the scroll bar of first grid?
Try this
Hi Ashok,
I am working on something similar and struglling a lot in geting the sychronized scroll bars for both the grids.
Can you pls share the code of Test() function.
Thanks in advance,
I have used the following code to call a function when i scroll the scroll bar of a grid. It is calling that function Test() when i scroll the grid.
How to synchronize the scroll bar of the other grid with this grid?
Is there any property to get / set the horizontal scroll position of a ultrawebgrid?
<script type ="text/javascript">
odivElem.onscroll = test;
Thanks for you suggestion.. ScrollToView method can be used to show the current active cell.
I tried using OnScroll event in Div Element but it is not accepting. I am not able to fire a client side event when i scroll the scroll bar of a Grid.
Which event will be fired When i scroll the scroll bar of a grid ?
Hello Ashok,
This is something that is not supported out of the box, but you can probably play with the client-side object model of the grid documented here:
and especially the DivElement documented:
Object. The HTML element of the div that contains the data of the grid. That element gets the scroll events.
Maybe you can attach onscroll javascript events on the DivElement and try to adjust the DivElement position of the other grid with custom javascript code.