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DropDownList in UltraWebGrid Debug vs. Release


 I have a very peculiar issue.  I have an Ultrawebgrid with a dropdownlist in one of the columns.  When I run the application in debug mode from Visual studio, everything works fine (i.e. the Display Member is shown in the Grid and when you double-click, it changes to a dropdownlist also showing the Display member items correctly).  However, when I publish the application to the IIS server running locally on my machine, the value being displayed in the column and the dropdownlist is the Value Member and not the Display Member.  I have restarted IIS, cleared temporary files (both internet and .NET), and cleaned and rebuilt the application all to no avail.

I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions.

  • 28464


    I have not seen something similar before (e.g. Debug and Release modes behaving differently). Also, IIS and the bult-in VS web browser Cassini also should not affect that in any way.

    I guess the best way to proceed is to contact developer support directly, if possible, with a small subset of your project reproducing the issue. There could be something else in the environment that makes this happen. Developer Suppport can be reached via this link.