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Popup menu in Firefox using WebMenu

Here's another question for you guys! :)

I've created a pop-up menu for my grid using a webmenu. The pop-up menu pops up fine, but in order to not have the standard browser-pop-up menu displayed I need to do event.cancelBubble=true. It works fine in IE but as Firefox doesn't support the event object (as explained here) I can't cancel the bubble in this browser. As it is now, I just do a check on the browser type, and don't perform the event.cancelBubble=true if it's FF. Here's my code:

function showContextMenu(gridName, cellID, button) {
    if (button == 2) {
        clickedGridName = gridName;
        clickedCellID = cellID;
        if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
            igmenu_showMenu(MyMenuId, event);
            event.returnValue = false;
            event.cancelBubble = true;
        else {
            igmenu_showMenu(MyMenuId, null);

In my code-behind I do:

this.UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.ClientSideEvents.CellClickHandler = "showContextMenu";

The question is: can I make it work so Firefox doesn't display the bubble? Any ideas?

I do have another question regarding the igmenu_showMenu here which you might be able to help me solve if you can help me solve this one? Please take a look at it. Any help appreciated!