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Use Row filter in sql query


I want to use the selected row filter in my sql query.

I have a Grid which is setup to use row filtering.
    e.Layout.FilterOptionsDefault.AllowRowFiltering = RowFiltering.OnServer;
    e.Layout.FilterOptionsDefault.FilterUIType = FilterUIType.FilterRow;

I want to to use this filter, when getting data from the base

  UltraWebGridAlarms_InitializeDataSource {

    string where = "";
    foreach (ColumnFilter cf in UltraWebGridAlarms.Rows.ColumnFilters) {
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) {
        where = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", cf.Column.Key, cf.FilterConditions[0].CompareValue);
      } else {
        where = string.Format(" and {0}='{1}'", cf.Column.Key, cf.FilterConditions[0].CompareValue);

    UltraWebGridAlarms.DataSource = alarmController.getAlarms(where);

My problem is that the
is empty in UltraWebGridAlarms_InitializeDataSource method.

In the method UltraWebGridAlarms_RowFilterApplying, I get access to the UltraWebGridAlarms.Rows.ColumnFilters.

Any suggestion to how I should apply the seleced row filter in my sql query?