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ultrawebgird Filter problem in infragistic 2008


I am using infragistic Ultra webgrid in my test web page.I am binding data dynamically to the grid.
I am facing some problem in the Filter. as in my grid i have created a button which open a panel and show the data which was click, in that grid there i one field as inactive which make changes in the database.My Problem is:
I am making a search in the filter for a particular records after the search on the edit button click i am opening a panel which showss all the data of that current row which was clicked, but when as i have told that it has a field called inactive .as i make the field inactive and close the panel the data in the grid is gettting refresh. but as the filter is haveing the search in it. and when i remove the search from the filter the grid get refesh again and the filter is not visible. i have also tried  to show the filter by i.e.
"grid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).FilterOptions.FilterUIType = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.FilterUIType.FilterRow" in RowFilterApplying or while binding data in InitializeDataSource ,InitializeLayout and etc. but i had no luck on getting the filter visible as i make the row inactive ,but as i make any changes in the other field the of that current row the filter is visible if i remove the search from the filter grid the is no effect on the filter and the filter is visible. As i am creating the displaylaout of the grid dynamically. i don't know why its not workin but the same thing workin on my diffrent page.
Please help me with the solution .