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Improving the grid performance ( for larger set of data i,e 40,000 - 50,000 data)

Improving the grid performance with all the other functionalities being unaffected (filtering, paging)

In the application where we need to bind the huge no of data (30,000 to 40,000) to the infragistic ultrawebgrid, applications performance will be lost...

to achieve the high performance without loosing the featues of the ultrawebgrid.

Following are the some of the steps / methods followed...

1. calculate the total no of records that need to be binded and divide them according to the pagesize and display the no in the drop down of the grid.

2. write a function that accepts the page no, page size and fetch only those records which need to be displayed in the grid. ( i prefer doing this functionality using datatable / dataview)

3. for the filter to behave properly (we have RowFiltering), when filter is applied on the grid, gather all the filter condtion that has been applied by the client and filter the data on the server (using some function) and bind it to the grid. (data table can be usefull).

these steps will help to increase the performance of the application with maintaining the features of the ultrawebgrid.

any quieries ? suggestion ? to still increase the performance ? please write back....