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Sum columns and sum columns together with group by


I have a Itemsource which have multiple columns. Some of them should be used for filtering and grouping, while the others should be summed up.


Col1   Col2   Col3

A         B         1

A        C          2

E         B          1

I would like to have a total sum up for Col3, which is, ungrouped 4.

If the user choose to group by Col1 the grid would be (unexpanded):

Col1   Sum of Col3

A         3

E         1

If have neither found a way to display sum's of columns nor found how I enrich the grouped by view with more information (for example row count in this group). It would also help, if it would be possible to have a total row which supports grouping, which means that if the user expands a group there would be a subtotal row.

