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Scrollbar issue in webgrid inside tab while tab change


I am using ultra webgrid inside ultra webtab. In that grid I bind the records in client side(Javascript). There I set the min height for scrollbar using

if (len < 4) {
var a = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++)
a += grid1.Rows.getRow(j).FirstRow.clientHeight;
}                     = a;

For more than 4 records it shows vertical scrollbar automatically as per 4 records height. The issue is when I click another tab then came to grid tab gives the grid lost its vertical scrollbar as in picture. So 5th records and greater records is hidden and unable to view those records. Why the scrollbar disappears on tab change? How can I fix this?

My aim is setting min height for 4 records in client side. Is there any other way than the above code. I tried a lot for setting frame height by  the following ways

i. min height in style attribute

ii. framestyle height

but it dint work for client side row adding. Give me a better way to handle this issue.

