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How to delete a row in XamWebgrid from code behind


I have a delete button in each row and I am trying to delete the row when the user clicks the delete button.Can anybody tell me what property I should use so that I can delete the row from the grid and also the from database.



  • 40030
    Offline posted


    A row has a method called Remove on it. 

    But for your particular sample, you can simply it even more using our Row Delete Command

    <ig:TemplateColumn Key="Delete">



                                              <Button Content="Delete" >


                                                          <ig:XamWebGridRowCommandSource CommandType="Delete" EventName="Click"></ig:XamWebGridRowCommandSource>






    And my xmlns definitions look like:



    This will actually update your underlying ItemSource as well.  So, you can track changes there, to pass back to your DB.  Or just use the Grid's RowDeleted event. 
