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NodeAdded event not firing

I am using UltraWebNavigator 7.1 to display a hierarchy of products.  Normally, we load each level on demand, however for this application, all nodes must be loaded on page load.  I can add all of the highest level nodes in the page load event.  However, when I try to handle the NodeAdded event to add all the nodes underneath, it never fires.  Can anyone help?  Also, if someone has a better idea of how to handle this problem, I am open to suggestions.





  • 28464

    Hello Pat,

    Thanks for writing and for your question. 

    The NodeAdded event fires only when a node has been added on the client-side (in the browsers, via the javascript CSOM addChild() method) and does not fire for nodes added on the server in Page_Load.

    If you are using data-binding, you can probably use the NodeBound event for the same. If you are using unbound mode (e.g. adding nodes directly to their Nodes collection), i'm afraid there is no event you can wire to for this particular case, but will have to deal with the code directly.

    Hope this helps.